Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Okay. So, it's been like 8 days since I've posted. I think that's a new record! It took about five days to fully recover from strep throat and then of course the big "yard sale" last weekend and before you know it - BAM! It's Wednesday!

But...I'm back and ready to write, so jump right in, feel free to comment and let's get some discussions going - it's been too quiet around here!

PS By the way - my favorite pic from the yard sale: we had several movies for sale - so many in fact, that this guy brought a chair out from the back of his truck, plopped it down and sat for nearly an hour reading the back of every video! Now that's dedication!


Lemon Princess said...

Oh my goodness! That is great! Looks like a movie gallery there! I've been missing you! Glad your back and feeling better!

Stephen Emlund said...

your movies are eclipsing your trusty 'ole truck