Monday, December 12, 2005

Life As A Rhino

I just checked my blog for the first time in a while...actually I noticed I have posted since October. YIKES!! Besides Thanksgiving, I don't recall many relational moments with anyone except my family. This leads to my question - "Where have all the people gone?"

Funny isn't it? Sometimes from our own perspective we move around the world. We get so busy, so caught up in the moment that we seem to revolve around life. Think of it this way - are you on the merry-go-round sharing in the journey with everyone else? Or are you sitting and watching everyone else "go 'round?" Or maybe you're too busy to notice anyone at all. That's what life feels like to me sometimes.

I promised myself (and others!) that I would organize my life in such a way that I could actually breathe in the world around me. I have missed so many aromas of life that I'm afraid my sense of smell might fade away. Have you thought about how life would be if you woke up one morning only to find that they were putting you in the ground? Sure they had a lot of nice things to say, but ultimately there wasn't a whole lot that you could remember about what they were saying because you were too busy to have a relationship with others. Does life feel like that for you sometimes?

I have always had a problem looking for the next accomplishment, the next conquest. I actually thought life was supposed to be "conquered" not lived. What kind of mentality is that? One of my mentors has a great saying..."success comes in 'cans', failures come in 'cant's'." That's a great philosophy to live by. But what if you can't find your can?

So to close this post today, I am seriously taking a look at where I've been, but most importantly I need to look at where I am going, and even further yet...who's going with me. One of my favorite authors, Erwin McManus, talks about how rhinos can't see but a few feet in front of them. And a group of rhinos is appropriately named a "crash." It's great to attack life like a rhino - always forging the way for the next adventure. But I think I've been living life as a rhino for too long - I haven't been able to see five feet in front of me, and like the rhino, I may be ready to "crash" at any moment.

I hope that more posts are to come, and possibly more frequently than every month!! Until the next adventure!!

1 comment:

John said... "CAN" write a post more frequently....just sit down and do it!! I am finding the thoughts/words flow very freely.....just not with great depth of meaning all of the least as often as I would like!

Keep this up, learned student and best friend!!!