Monday, November 26, 2007

Keepin' It Shut

Here's some great advice from Steven Furtick: keep your mouth shut. Sometimes I don't handle this as well as I should, but Steven shared a great story and then had some incredible words of advice:

Ever since I gave my life to Christ as a 16 year old, I tried to remain devoutly committed to the sacred practice of keeping my mouth shut when presented with the opportunity to say something negative about someone God is using.
Even when the criticism is valid (because even the most anointed people stumble and fall), I see no value in spreading the criticism like gangrene.
Now, if I have a relationship of influence with the person, I do my best to talk with the person about the issue in a spirit of love and encouragement.
I’m not talking about sweeping stuff under the rug.


But if I can’t talk to the person, I’d rather pray for them than talk about them.

Have you talked "behind the scenes" lately?

1 comment:

Jo said...

wow..this was a hard hitting post. Thinking I need to be keeping my trap shut and praying more. Thanks for posting it.