Monday, July 31, 2006

See YOU at the Pool

Has it really been almost a week since my last post? WOW! It's hard to believe that last week even happened. Back from vacation, I hit the ground running and haven't looked back. We had a great weekend with 4 baptisms in our auditorium and then we all met for an "all church" picnic and baptism celebration at our local park/pool area. It was hard to count the numbers of people, but form all indications, nearly 500 people came to party with us. From the organization of the food to the extra events for kids, the weekend was a HUGE success. There were so many volunteers that helped all weekend (many of whom I did not know!) - we couldn't have done it without them.

One of the most impacting moments for me was watching the 10 or so people get baptized in the pool. It was so incredible to hear story after story and to watch those stories unfold. That's why we do what we do every week - to see lives changed. Many family members and friends were there to help or to watch as well - so many people all coming together for a common cause, and doing that in the most authentic, God-honoring way. I can't wait for next year!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Give It Away, Give It Away, Give It Away Now

As we gear back up from vacations, we're diving head first into "designing" ministry. One of our strategic plans and initiatives for the Fall is systems and processes for each of our ministry areas. All of us at Meadow Heights realize that we cannot lead effectively without systems in place. I like to think of it in terms of leading versus doing. Too many times over the past year I have found myself as a "leadoer" instead of a "leader." It's an easy trap to fall into, especially when things are moving fast and progress is a must.

It's also very difficult to break away from this type of system because everyone gets used to the results and they forget about the process it took to get there. Leaders can train themselves to think this way as well, which is a dangerous place to be. Bryan, our lead pastor, has challenged all of us on staff to evaluate everything we do and place it in two categories - keep and give away (sounds like a show on TLC!). Our challenge is to give away as much ministry as possible, and what we keep needs to be designed to its full potential. Our unique contribution should be towards those things that only we can do. Everything else should be given away.

So now the challenge begins, and I can't wait to give away as much of my job as possible!! Let the designing begin!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunday Funnies

Here's a fun link that you can "rock out" to - Rock Star Name Generator. Just type in your name and you'll be transformed into a true rocker! From here on out, I'll shall be known as the "Hot Rod Styler." For the other "hot rod" out there - if you think that's good...wait until you read yours!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Why Frequency Doesn't Matter

Yeah...I'm still alive. I've got lots to talk about, but since I'm still on vacation for 57 1/2 more hours, I have been trying to stay as unengaged as possible. I read this article that talks about posting frequency. It's pretty interesting, and since I haven't posted in awhile, very appropriate.

BUT...if any of you have questions about the "Wonderful World of Disney," I'd be glad to respond. This was our family's third trip, and we had a blast once again. More details to come!

Friday, July 14, 2006

I Need A Vacation!

If you haven't guessed from the lack of posts, I'm on vacation. Not just any vacation, but a Disney Vacation (insert any standard "oooh" or "aahhh" here). As I explain to those who ask, I love Disney, but we are constantly on the go. By the time you end your vacation, you need a vacation from your vacation. Now Disney has early entry hours and extra magic hours, which means we are up early and out late. Sounds like a typical week at the office!

There has been so much to see and do. I'll post a few pics on my return, but for now a pic of my ticket! By the way, Soarin' is an incredible ride...not to be missed!! I'll tell Mickey hi for everyone!

Music and Tech Team Picnic

This weekend was a blur but the picture you see made up for it. As a matter of fact, there were about 18 different desserts at our Music and Tech Team Picnic!! Thanks to the Minson's for hosting over 90 of us at their house, for the tremendous pulled pork and BBQ chicken salad, and of course for those desserts!! We had a great time together, met for some vision casting, and of course some volleyball!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Consumed Concert 2006

Sorry for the lack of updates. We had a busy week getting ready for the "Consumed Worship Concert 2006." What a great weekend!! Not only did we feel God's presence with us all weekend, but the music teams were phenomenal and so many people came to worship with us! I really think this is becoming a crowd favorite at Meadow Heights (no offense to our lead Pastor!).

You might be interested to know a little bit more about this event, so I'll start with our gatherings. We have four identical gatherings each weekend (5:30pm Saturday, 8-9:30-11:15am on Sunday) with the exception of the music at our 8am gathering. At 8am we focus more on southern gospel music and hymns, and as you might expect, our average age in attendance is much higher than our other gatherings.

With that in mind, we asked everyone to vote on their Top 10 songs that were performed in the past year. We did provide a list of songs to help guide everyone, and to eliminate the sometimes crazy requests that we receive. Below is a listing of the Top 10 from both our "contemporary" and "celebration" gatherings:

10 You're Worthy of My Praise (Big Daddy/Barlow Girl version)
9 Much of You
8 Come Thou Fount
7 Your Love Is Deep
6 Who Am I
5 All Things Are Possible
4 Everybody Praise the Lord
3 Indescribable
2 Majesty
1 How Great Is Our God

We also opened with "Praise You With the Dance" and closed with an arrangement of "God Bless the USA" complete with all vocalists, musicians, horns, and video.

10 He'd Still Been God
9 Feelin' Fine
8 Just Over in the Glory Land
7 Power In the Blood
6 Because He Lives
5 God Is Good All the Time
4 Saved By Grace
3 Amazing Grace
2 How Great Is Our God
1 Hosanna (What the Lord Has Done In Me)

We opened this gathering with "Great Is the Lord' and closed out with the same arrangement of "God Bless the USA." It was interesting to note that the number 2 and 1 songs are more on the so called "contemporary" side of things, which may lead to the conclusion that people from all generations like music that really speaks to them regardless of the style. If the words communicate a good message and the music becomes the vehicle for that message, then I think most people have no problem with a style that might be a bit out of their "comfort zone."

I was really blessed this past weekend. It was great to see a team of over 30 folks come together and focus on one goal - worshiping God. He was our audience this weekend - we just happened to have over 500 people come along for the ride as well.