Monday, July 31, 2006

See YOU at the Pool

Has it really been almost a week since my last post? WOW! It's hard to believe that last week even happened. Back from vacation, I hit the ground running and haven't looked back. We had a great weekend with 4 baptisms in our auditorium and then we all met for an "all church" picnic and baptism celebration at our local park/pool area. It was hard to count the numbers of people, but form all indications, nearly 500 people came to party with us. From the organization of the food to the extra events for kids, the weekend was a HUGE success. There were so many volunteers that helped all weekend (many of whom I did not know!) - we couldn't have done it without them.

One of the most impacting moments for me was watching the 10 or so people get baptized in the pool. It was so incredible to hear story after story and to watch those stories unfold. That's why we do what we do every week - to see lives changed. Many family members and friends were there to help or to watch as well - so many people all coming together for a common cause, and doing that in the most authentic, God-honoring way. I can't wait for next year!!

1 comment:

Jo said...

It was an amazing experience seeing God at work in a public pool. My prayer is that as I begin working more at M.H. that I can be in the pool with someone next year. May God keep on using M.H. to change lives.