Sunday, August 05, 2007

Are You Interested?

Tony shares his thoughts on folks who believe in God but just aren't that interested. It reminded me of a friend of mine (actually several) who, in my opinion, shares that philosophy. Three thoughts from Tony's post:
  • He's not looking for religion. (And, I don't blame him.)
  • Though he doesn't have a relationship with God, his comments suggest he believes there is a God.
  • There are times when he even practices the discipline of prayer even though he doesn't have faith that those prayers will be answered.
What's refreshing to me is that Meadow Heights Church is trying to develop relationships with the people described above. It's our mission and focus. We're not trying to discount folks like this, but working desperately to cultivate authentic relationships built on real life practices and not the "religion" that has turned them off in the first place.

It's not our job to "assimilate" them to God - we're simply here to point them in the right direction as we experience the journey with them. We'll do what we can do and then we'll let God take care of the rest.

Who do you know that fits in this category? And what is the next step in your journey together?

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