Thursday, October 11, 2007


I haven't had much time to talk about the new series coming up at Meadow Heights Church. We're calling it "Imagine." All I can say is don't miss this weekend! I promise everyone that you will not be disappointed if you show up this weekend - you will be blown away by what God has been doing!

We've been busy with technology, print materials, videos and so much more. Many of those things will be unveiled this weekend. Bryan will be talking about God and the many miracles we have already seen and are yet to come.

The Imagine Campaign will change Meadow Heights Church forever, and we are hoping that it radically changes thousands of lives for eternity. Continue to be in prayer and then come join us as we celebrate the kickoff of IMAGINE! In the meantime, enjoy this sneak preview!

1 comment:

Jo said...

It is just so hard for me to imagine how it could get any better than it already is.