Sunday, May 06, 2007

Did You "Remember When...?"

It's been a CRAZY weekend. Lots of stuff going on...

It was an incredibly fun weekend at Meadow Heights Church. We titled the weekend "Remember When..." and it was a blast. From the food (RC Cola's and Moon Pies) to the decor to the music, the theme was a big hit. Special thanks to Tim at Unique Ink for creating our graphic and for popping out some kickin' t-shirts for the band, techs and first impressions folks. We had lots of peeps asking for a t-shirt...if you were one of them - hang tight and we'll see what we can do!!

The best part of the weekend was the content of the messages themselves. Bryan, Mac and I prepared a total of 15 message shorts about the most "annoying" things about Christians. Talk about a blast to prepare! And people loved it. It was a great way to talk about some difficult subjects that are sometimes tough to bring up. This weekend gave us an awesome platform to address some of the most common Christian annoyances. Here is a list of all fifteen topics:

  • Christians who never make a big deal about anything.
  • Christians who are lousy tippers.
  • Christians who major on the minors.
  • Christians who have no limits.
  • Christians who would rather call the police than the ambulance.
  • Christians who blame everything on Satan.
  • Christians who are all talk.
  • Christians who think church is all about them.
  • Christians who hide in a bubble.
  • Christians who won’t add skill, knowledge and training to their passion.
  • Christians who speak “Christianese” all the time.
  • Christians who think everyone should be just like them.
  • Christians who think everything can be explained with a simple phrase or a trite slogan.
  • Christians who use “God told me” as a silver bullet.
  • Christians who explain God by saying of God what God never said of himself.
We had a HUGE wheel on the stage with the corresponding 15 categories (and one question mark - you choose your own!). We invited five people up per service to "spin the wheel" and we talked about whatever number came up. Our motto? You spin. The wheel decides.

During the course of our five weekend gatherings, we covered 13 out of the 15 categories. A pretty decent coverage rate! AND each of us spoke just about an equal number of times - another very interesting statistic!

Overall a great weekend, phenomenal theme, crazy messages, incredible music and of course the BIG WHEEL!! We'll be working on recording all 15 of these messages - they'll be available soon, so stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I agree! It was an awesome weekend at Meadow Heights. I think I would have been content to sit through all fifteen of the short messages...I guess I'll have to get a CD when they're ready! The wheel idea was great! I love the ingenuity and creativity that comes from the Meadow Heights staff! Keep up the "God" work's working!!!

Stephen Emlund said...


Do you know what Tim's process is of getting all those crazy "framing" shapes on the computer? does he draw them, use a tablet? It's definitely a cool style and works well for a 1950's look

Jo said...

Awesome job this weekend. It is so fun to be at a church that lets it's religious hair down and deals with reality.